Engineering is awesome.


I graduated from The Ohio State University with a Master of Science degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in December, 2015, focusing on digital systems and communication. I also completed my Bachelor of Science degree at Ohio State in May, 2014.

In my college studies, I completed several essential programming courses, including Java, C, etc.. In addition, I was acquainted with computer architectures, microcontrollers, semiconductors, etc., which builds my fundamental electrical engineering practice.

During free time I love to learn new computer or programming skills. I am most comfortable with Java and C++, and I am willing to learn new programming languages. In addition, I like web designing and I am trying to teach myself how to use the HTML and CSS. I set the website up during my leisure time, using a little bit of CSS, jQuery, PHP, and connect the form to MySQL database. I am quite happy about it.

Currently, I am learning Spring frameworks, JPA, Hibernate as I am implementing a ticket system using these frameworks with MySQL database. I am also learning MVC frameworks including Spring MVC and AngularJS for web applications.

I like challenges, and I love engineering.

I worked as a research assistant in ECE at OSU.

The majority of my work focuses on communication networks in Unmanned Vehicles.


The purpose of this project is to design a robust communication architecture for an autonomous ground swarm performing specific tasks while an aerial swarm performs aerial verification. The network uses IEEE 802.11p protocol standard.

My role in this project is to implement the MAC frame for the messages and simulate the network behavior in GNU Radio Companion.

Most of my work involves C++ and python programming in a cmake source tree.


I really enjoy creating stuff.

... I mean, when I discover things that are fun, either from Internet or from a toy store, I want to build that by myself.


This is what I built based on the "Useless-Box" I found on the Internet in 2013.


I built a lottery system for a student organization in my freshman year in 2011.

I find myself good at programming.

I mean, we are literally using a "language" to talk to computers. Isn't that exciting?
(...except when compilers throw errors...)


My undergraduate senior year capstone project is Hands-free Presentation using Microsoft Kinect. The program uses Microsoft Visual Studio with C# language and contains 724 lines of codes. The team implemented a program utilizing Microsoft Kinect sensor to track human skeletons to control PowerPoint slides. The program include hand motions as well as voice recognition features to navigate through slides.

I enjoy working on team projects.

Working on engineering projects requires everyone to work together, and that's another thing I like about engineering: you get to know everyone and learn what other people is good at.

I was accepted to the Engineering Scholars Program at OSU. We are able to get involved in more hand-on experience on engineering and more Honors and Scholars Events, such as H&S social events or research info-sessions, around campus. In addition to these activities on campus, I also completed 30 credit hours of community service for 2 years outside the campus. I was awarded with Participation Award during the Scholars Banquet at the end of my freshman year.

What do I usually do in my free time?

Hmm... where do I start?...there are so many of them...


I make specialty coffees!

I was working at campus grab'n'go cafes when I was in my sophomore year, and I can make hot, ice and frozen drinks, such as cafe latte, cafe mocha, americano and cappuccino.

I am learning latte art recently! I am a beginner for this but I think I am doing quite well.

I also enjoy cooking and I like to try out differnet styles in cooking in my free time.

In my free time, I enjoy working out at the gym.

I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I do stay up quite late though, I am trying not to.

I also love travelling and I do photography a little.

... by saying "a little" I mean I may not be a professional photographer. I just like to take awesome pictures and do a bit photoshop to make it awesome-r!

I like pictures that records instant moments, or the ones that has deep meanings or presenting old memories.

Currently I am looking for an electrical engineering / computer science related, full-time position.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

... only if you want to know about me first. :)


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