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I'm Mingliang Ge.

我是 葛明亮

Engineering is AWESOME.


I am a software engineer and I hold a Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The Ohio State University, specializing in digital systems and communications. This program equipped me with a strong foundation in programming languages like Java and C, along with knowledge of computer architecture, microcontrollers, and semiconductors.

I'm a passionate learner who enjoys expanding my skillset. I am most comfortable with Java, but I'm always eager to pick up new programming languages. I've also delved into web development, teaching myself HTML/CSS and frameworks like Angular and ReactJS, I even built this website using these skills! This website used a little bit of HTML/CSS and some JavaScript libraries.

As a web developer, I primarily work with the Spring Framework on client projects. I've had the pleasure of working on numerous web application development projects, and the constant exposure to new frameworks, languages, and design patterns keeps things exciting. Plus, seeing satisfied users with the finished product is incredibly rewarding.

In 2018, I became a permanent resident of Canada after spending 8 years in the United States. It's a new chapter of my life that I'm thrilled to explore!

I'm currently fascinated by Generative AI frameworks. I've been experimenting with LangChain, and Google Gemini to build a work-related chatbot application. I think this technology holds immense potential for the future!

Challenges are what drive me - I love engineering and everything it entails. I'm truly passionate about my work, and I'd be thrilled to connect with you and potentially collaborate on a project!

我是一个软件工程师,毕业于俄亥俄州立大学电子工程与计算机系,专攻电子系统和通讯。在大学期间,我接触了计算机架构、微处理器、 半导体等硬件工程知识。与此同时,我也打下了扎实的编程基础。

在平常业余时间,我热爱学习新的计算机技能并练习编程。我最熟悉的是Java,我也接触了C语言和Python,但我也非常乐于学习其他编程语言。 我自学了HTML/CSS、Angular、ReactJS 等网页开发技术,而且利用所学知识写了这个个人网站!这个网站用了一些HTML、CSS 和JavaScript 库。

毕业后,我成为了一名网页开发者,擅长使用Spring 框架,参与过多个Web 应用程序的开发项目。我喜欢学习新技术,工作中不断学习新 的框架、语言和设计模式,并能快速应用到实际项目中。并且,看到最终成果和用户满意的反馈是我前进的动力。


我最近对生成式AI框架非常感兴趣。我尝试结合 LangChain 和Google Gemini 开发聊天机器人程序。我相信这项技术代表了软件开发的未来!


I fell in love with coding.


Originally, I started my college journey in electrical engineering. Back then, I was diving deep into the hardware world, learning about logic gates and the magic of 0s and 1s in microcontrollers. However, my path took an exciting turn when I discovered my passion for software development, leading me towards computer engineering.

我一开始是学电子工程,偏向硬件方向,以前学的是微控制器里的逻辑0和1,但我自己都没想到,后来走了计算机工程和写代码的路,因为我爱上了 软件开发。

I often rewrite this website with new frameworks.


I've been actively maintaining and updating this website for the past couple of years. I'm constantly inspired by browsing other web pages. Whenever I come across elements I love, I often use developer tool to inspect the source code and the implementation.


I enjoy working with everyone.


A successful project is all about teamwork. In a productive development environment, I thrive on the opportunity to collaborate with others. It's a fantastic way to learn from each team member's strengths, and I bring my own skills to the table as well.


I often need to move for new projects.


Every move to a new place presents a unique opportunity to develop new skills and gain valuable work experience.


My work is usually related to web application development.


I've gained extensive experience as a software development contractor


I primarily focus on web application development and testing. These projects have involved utilizing popular frameworks like Spring Boot and Hibernate, working with both relational and NoSQL databases. Additionally, I'm proficient in developing RESTful web services and possess DevOps skills, having experience with creating Jenkins CI/CD pipelines and deploying Docker images to Kubernetes environments.

在这些项目中我主要参与开发并测试Web应用程序。 这些项目通常都运用Spring框架,Hibernate配合不同的数据库。 一些Web应用程序也需要RESTful Web Service。还有一些DevOps 相关的工作包括建立Jenkins CICD pipeline,部署Docker镜像到Kubernetes。

I found my ability of logic thinking to be quite strong.


You know, coding indeed resembles using a specific "language" to "talk" to computers, amirite? Isn't that exciting? (...well, except when compilers throw errors your way of course...)

仔细想想,写代码确实是在用一个“语言”和计算机“对话”不是吗?是不是很有趣? (……不过,有时候编译器报错的时候找bug那就没那么有意思了……)

During college, my passion for coding blossomed, and I discovered a strong aptitude for logical thinking. This culminated in my capstone project – a Hands-free Presentation system using Microsoft Kinect. Collaborating with a team of three, I developed a program that utilized the Kinect sensor to track human body movements for controlling PowerPoint slides. Built using C# in Microsoft Visual Studio, the program boasts 724 lines of code and incorporates both hand gestures and voice recognition for seamless slide navigation.

我从大学的时候就发现,我对写代码非常感兴趣,而且我觉得我很擅长逻辑思维。 我本科的毕业项目是用微软Kinect体感传感器来做简单PowerPoint控制。这个小项目用了C#,虽然只是Microsoft Visual Studio里面写的 724行代码,但是这些代码让Kinect传感器追踪人体结构,利用手势和声音控制PPT。


I worked as a graduate research assistant in ECE at OSU.


The work focuses on communication networks in Unmanned Vehicles using IEEE 802.11p protocol.


This research investigates robust communication architectures for a collaborative swarm system. The system will comprise autonomous ground units tasked with specific missions, while a complementary aerial swarm conducts verification tasks. IEEE 802.11p, a vehicular communication standard, is chosen due to its suitability for this application.

这个研究的目的是为一群自动控制的群体机器人设计一个稳定的通讯结构,让地面的机器车可以执行一些特殊任务,天空中的飞行机器人可以进行空中确认行为。 这个网络需要使用IEEE 802.11p通讯协议。

My main task is to implement the MAC frame for the messages and simulate the network behavior in GNU Radio Companion.

我的主要任务是搭建通讯信息当中的MAC层,并且利用GNU Radio Companion模拟网络的通讯拥堵情况。

What do I usually do in my spare time?


Hmm... where do I start?...


I make specialty coffees!


I was working at campus grab'n'go cafes in my sophomore year, and I can make hot, ice and frozen drinks, such as cafe latte, cafe mocha, americano and cappuccino.


I was learning latte art! I am a beginner for this but I think I was doing quite well. It truly was quite hard tho.


I also enjoy cooking and I like to try out different cooking methods in my free time.


I enjoy working out at the gym.


I am trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


I do sometimes stay up quite late though, I am trying not to do this often.


I also love travelling and I do a little bit of photography.


While I wouldn't call myself a professional photographer, I love capturing special moments and giving them a little extra pop with some basic edits. Makes them even more awesome, right?



Do you want to hear me sing a cover if you got time?


I look forward to hearing from you!


... only if you want to know about me first. :)

……但你要先来了解我 :)


... btw these were from Jun 2015 back when I was in Ohio. :P

……那个,这些是我在2015年6月在俄亥俄跳伞的照片。 :P

Hit me up!


I became a permanent resident of Canada in May 2018, and I am now in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Canada.


garygml@outlook.com | (416)877-3057

garygml@outlook.com | (416)877-3057

My status:

Updated on July 10, 2018: I am currently in a project and will update this message when available again.

Updated on May 23, 2018: I just moved to Canada and I am open to opportunities!

Updated on Oct 28, 2017: Currently I am working as a contractor and I am in a middle of a client project. I will update this message once I am available again.


更新于2018年7月10日: 我现在正在一个项目当中。当我完成这份工作的时候我会更新这条信息。

更新于2018年5月23日: 我刚刚到达加拿大,我很期待新的工作机会!

